To enable you to get you away from the pressures of daily life and return you to your true selves, our program follows a course of "orientation" "physical movement," and "solo time”. “Orientation" is a time for discovering the questions to ask yourself. “Physical movement" encourages a shift from the thinking mode to the sensing mode. Then in “solo time” participants face themselves, and take the time to have an inner conversation. The true worth of a Yukiguni Retreat is the experience of "rebirth”, which is essentially a different experience from a typical trip you take to refresh yourself. During the program, a retreat counselor will be with the participants and guide them in facing themselves.
Participants will express the thoughts and feelings that led them to want to participate in a retreat, and verbalize the questions they have for themselves. This is a time to become aware of the here and now, and slowly familiarize themselves with their mind and body.
Through experiences and contributing to activities unique to Snow Country, we encourage a shift from thinking mode to sensory mode. By moving your bodies and not thinking of anything else, your open yourself up to your five senses.
You will be in a safe space and able to create your own time alone. Face yourself, relax, and deepen your thinking about the questions you have.